
Writing Update!

Happy May, y'all! Here's a quick li'l update about a couple (literally) new and noteworthy writing updates:

1.) My newest Razorcake article is live now - "I Don't Deserve Friends" - I think the title pretty much sums it up!

2.) One of my POEMS is now up at Quail Bell Magazine, titled "Even Mother Nature Marches." Fun fact about me: many times I've proclaimed "I hate poetry." It's mostly because I just feel like I'm terrible at it. I can't help but force myself to rhyme and it often feels more like a shoddy children's nursery rhyme than a great piece of literature. I was so moved to write this poem thanks to the country's current climate, that I didn't really give myself enough time to beat myself up over it before submitting it. Huge thanks to Quail Bell for accepting my submission, posting it, and reminding me once again of how much I really don't hate poetry. 

And here's a bonus plug that has nothing to do with me or my writing: my two buds Drew and Jordan make hilarious online videos and even have their own metal talk show, Two Minutes to Late Night. You've probably seen it floating around the interwebs. They just released their second episode and it's amazing. There's a very special musical cover at the end, so make sure you stay tuned! I don't want to spoil the surprise, but trust me: you'll want to see this. *coughit'sPurpleRaincough* 



HAPPY SPRING, EVERYBODY! I hope to update again soon! *coughprobablyinanotherthreemonthscough*